Tuesday, August 5, 2008




2 lits Air rebusan daging/ beef stock

3 sm/tbsp Udang kering/ dried shrimp - di kisar/ blended

6 tbsp/sm Cili Boh/ Chili Paste

80g Bawang merah/shallot - chopped/ di cincang

30 g Bawang putih/garlic - chopped/ di cincang

4 nos Tomato/ di belah dua/ cut into 2 pieces

200g Ubi keledek/ sweet potato- di kupas kulitnya / peeled the skin

100g ubi kentang/ potato- di kupas kulitnya/peeled the skin

80 g Salderi/celery - di potong dadu/cut into diced.

2 nos Air Limau nipis/ lime juice

8 tbsp Chili Sauce

4 tbsp Tomato sauce

Salt & Sugar to taste

Cara/ method;

1. Masukan semua bahan dalam peruik dan masak hingga mendidih./Combine all the ingredients let it boil in stock pot.

2. Renih hingga ubi kentang empuk/ let it simmer until the potato is tender.

3. Angkat dari dapur dan biar sejuk/ remove the pot from stove and let it cold.

4. Masukan kedalam pengisar dan kisar hingga halus/ put in the blender then blend till fine.

5. Panaskan balek, put in the stock pot and reboil.

6. Boleh di hidang dengan mee kuning, tauhu goreng, daging rebus,taugeh dan bawang goreng/ serve with yellow noodle, fried beancurd,sliced boiled beef,beansprout and fried shallot.


Mencelur/ Blanching:

1. Teknik mencelur biasanya memanas air hingga mendidih, kemudian masukan sedikit garam. Biasa bahan yang hendak di celur seperti lobak merah, sayur kekacang,lada bengala. semua sayur ini hendakalah di potong size yang sama supaya masak dengan serata.

Masa mencelur lebih kurang 1minit bergantung jenis sayuran yang hendak di celur, kalau Buah tomato anda perlu masa hanya 10-12 saat sahaja. Setelah sayur tadi mestilah direndam dalam bekas berisi ais batu supaya sayur mudah sejuk ( to stop the cooking proses ). Setelah itu barulah di toskan dan di simpan dalam peti sejuk atau dingin beku. Proses ini boleh memudahkan kerja harian di dapur dan mengekal sayur supaya boleh simpan lama. Selamat mencuba.


1. Collect your kitchen utensil such roating pan, tong, and basic seasoning, paprika, salt, white pepper powder, lemon juice, vegetables oil and etc.

2. Trim the meat for roasting. Heavy fat covering shoud be trimmed to about 1/2 inch or 1 cm.

3. Season the meat several hours or the day before.

4. reheat the oven with temperature 300-320F or gas mark 3 ( 150-160C)

5. Place meat fat side on a rack in the roasting pan.

6. Insert a meat thermometer.

7. Do not cover or add water to the pan. Roasting is a dry - heat method.

8. Place meat in the oven and roast at list 20 - 30 minutes if 2-3kg meat

9. Remove roast from the oven and let stand in a warm place 15 t0 30 minutes. This allow the jus to be reabsorbed throurg the meat so that less jus is lost when the meat is sliced. Also , resting the meat makes slicing meat easier.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

askum chef respi u bestla i dah cuba smlm lps blk dri maha.l rasa nak attn your cafvg class next year selamat maju jaya chef.