Exprience shooting with TV2 crew to promote S&P santan ( Coconut Milk Powder ) and sponsor by S&P santan. This cooking talkshow i has a host inviting best celibrity chef in Malaysia to share their recipes by using s&P santan milk powder. Gambar ini semasa saya buat rakan dengan Chef Pilihan S&P santan untuk TV2.
Yield : 4 person
800gm Ayam di potong 4 / Chicken cut into 4 portion
6 tbsp Minyak Masak/ cooking Oil
40g Halia- di hiris/ Ginger young- sliced
20g Bawang putih- dihiris/Garlic sliced
80 g Bawang Merah - di cincang /Shallot - chopped
2 helai/pcs Daun Pandan/ Pandan leaf
10g Kulit Kayu Manis / Cinnamon stick
5 biji/nos Buah Pelaga/ Cardomon
3 biji/nos Bunga Lawang/ Star Anise
2 biji/nos Bunga Cengkih/ Clove
2 tbsp Pes cili/ Chili Paste
4 tbsp Sos Tomato/Tomato Ketchup
8 tbsp Sos Cili/ Chili Sauce
1/2 cup Air rebusan Ayam/ Chicken Stock
4 tbsp S&P serbuk Santan / Coconut Powder
2 nos Tomato potong wedge/ cut into wedge
2 nos Cili Hijau di potong 2/ Green chili cut into 2 pieces
3 tbsp Gula Sugar
2 tbsp Garam/salt
1 no Air Limau nipis/Lime Juice
1. Panaskan minyak tumis bawang putih, halia, bawang merah,daun pandan dan kacau hingga naik bau dan berwarna perang, kemudian masukan 4 serangkai/ Heat up the cooking oil add ginger, garlic,shallot, pandan leaf and saute until golden brown and add star anise,cardoamon, cinnamon, clove.
2. Masukan sos chili,pes cili, tomato dan kacau selama 3 minit/add chili sauce, ketchup,chili paste and keep stirring for 3 minutes.
3. Masukan isi ayam isi ayam , air rebusan, serbuk santan dan kacau hingga sauce menjadi pekat atau biarkan renih hingga isi ayam masak/Add chicken meat.stock, coconut powder and stir well, then let it simmer until the sauce become thick and chicken is tender.
4. Akhir sekali masukan air limau nipis, tomato, chili hijau, garam dan gula secukup rasa/ lastly add lime juice, tomato wadge, green chili and season with salt and sugar.
5. Sedia di hidang,hias dengan daun pudina/ready to serve garnish with mint leaf.